A new year ahead

Some people might be excited for this, but right now I am a little stressed out. With little time and winter it is hard to see how I am supposed to get Cassius ready for the first shows in march.

Calano is moving again and should be ready for CNC100 at the beginning of the season.

Corini is right now mostly in the shape of round. Since the birth due in two months this is of course not surprising, but she is almost unrecognizable if you compare her with pictures from when she last competed. It is several months since we were able to squeeze a saddle on to her back and her withers are completely gone. This doesn’t bother me as long as she give birth to a healthy foal when time is.

One Reply to “A new year ahead

  1. Kære Line
    Det er en flot hjemmeside du har med billeder af dine dejlige heste. Det bliver spændende med en lille følbasse. Jeg glæder mig til at se den.
    Mange hilsner fra Anne Marie

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