As I was about to bring the horses in from the field I noticed something wasn’t quite right with Faraday. He seemed happy and came running towards the gate as he always does. The right front leg did however have a completely wrong color. It was soaked in blod. I got them all in and took him out to have a closer look. Blood was running out at a steady rate from the inside of the right front leg. Normally I am not the first to call the vet, but I decided that this was bleeding a little more than what I would like to deal with myself.
Luckily the vet wasn’t too far away and was there within 30 minutes. By then I had managed to stop the bleeding from coming out of the leg, it was instead collecting underneath the skin forming a blood bubble. The vet took a closer look and determined that it wasn’t too serious, he had just been unlucky and hit a blood vessel. Four stitches and some antibiotics and a wash later he looked much better. I snapped some pictures, they are not pretty.