I would like to show off his trot but unfortunately he does not use that a lot. Most of the time is spent in galop. …
Author: Line Bergmann

A couple of weeks ago I brought Cassius with me to Sweden for his first real cross country practise. Everything went smooth and he was …
Friday was the day for Cassius’ first jumping competition. It is always interesting to see how the young horses react in the warmup but Cassius …

Lørdag morgen stod på terræntræning i Sverige. Ikke sådan uden for, men indendørs terræntræning, det kræver en stor hal og det må man sige de …
Some pictures from the dressage competition %%wppa%% %%album=1%%
<iframe width=”1280″ height=”720″ src=”http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qddkmXVPmsc?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Finally spring and it should not be too long be the foal arrives. The stable is ready, and so is the shed in the field …
Another couple of weeks went by and even though i didn’t find it possible. She is now even wider and rounder. We are hoping for …
Now there is only 46 days left. Corini is almost as wide as she is long and we have all seen the foal jump around …
Some people might be excited for this, but right now I am a little stressed out. With little time and winter it is hard to …