The last two weekends Cassius and I have been in Sweden competing. First week was not to great. Cassius spend a lot of time doing all sort of stuff, not related to the competition. Especially the dressage was bad. The Cross Country was good though and we were clear on the obstacles. A little slow but good enough for me to secure the first half of the qualification for the CNC100 level.
This weekend was a lot better. He did a fairly good dressage, nothing too exciting but good enough especially compared to last week. In the jumping we had one fence down, I took a wrong decission in one of the corners and he did not finish the jump in the back. In the cross country he was really good. -clear on the obstacle and well within the time. Hence he is now qualified for CNC100. It will be a little before we will be riding those though. I do not feel he is ready quite yet.
Luckily there is no video from the first weekend in Sweden. There is however from this last one. By requst I put the dressage first, then the jumping and at last the cross country. This means that it is possibe to skip the dressage in case it gets too boring. Unfortunately most of the cross country was in the woods and hence there is only a little video from the beginning and the end.
HVor ser dressuren fin ud i forhold til den første gan :-). Han er blevet meget mere rolig fortil, dejligt at se.
Flot redet og sikke som han springer i terrænet – han er god. Dressuren var også smukt redet og han går fint med et godt afskub og balance – det var fornøjeligt – glæder mig til at følge ham!