Last night Marco went to his first real outdoor show. We did another 90 cm and he was clear once more. He feels like he …
Last night Marco went to his first real outdoor show. We did another 90 cm and he was clear once more. He feels like he …
Spring is maybe a bit of a strong word to use about the weather here, but the season starts in a week and we needed …
Since spring has not arrived yet it is impossible to get going with the cross country practice. The next best thing is jumping so Marco …
Feeding horses has always been the big question. There is a ton of products on the market, some are pellets some are muesli. Then there …
Thursday is jumping day and today one of my friends filmed a little, not any full course unfortunately, but little is better than nothing. They …
This weekend I spent like most of them: with horses. I have started packing for next weeks competition in Össjö and Marco has tried out …