One of the shows I almost always attend is the summer show of Flyinge. This year it was held in the first weekend of August and I brought Marco and Faraday. Marco was entered in 90, since I now that the course there can be a little tough. Faraday did a CNC100, they don’t have the new 1*-intro format in Sweden, but have combined the new format with the CNC100.
Saturday was time for dressage and jumping. I have been working a lot on getting Faraday more uphill especially in the extensions. It payed off and we ended on 69,56 % or 30,4 penalty points, this placed us as number 4 before the jumping. Faraday was as always a superstar and jumped clear. That brought us into the lead. Now all we had to do was to jump clear across country.
Faraday did his best. The course wasn’t too easy and I had a couple of places where I knew I had to help him. When I was approaching the last fence, I looked at my watch and saw that we had around 15 seconds in hand still. That meant that we won the class. What more can you wish for. My giant grey horse seems to be on the right track.
Marco did his best ever dressage, 66,74 %. Unfortunately he got a little busy in the jumping and made two mistakes with his hind legs. He was clear on cross country and ended up somewhere in the middle of his class.
My cross country on Marco was at the same time as the price giving on Faraday, luckily my boyfriend and unpaid groom had time to go.

Next stop is Segersjö with Aristocrat at the end of August.