Our tiny planet has circumnavigated our local star once more. The days are getting longer and all over there are stories about the year that is now gone.
Most people tend to focus on the successes and the possibilities. Comparing myself to all the stories that has been floating around social media the last week, sometimes make me feel quite inadequate. Which is ridiculous. I had an amazing season on two out of three horses, and the third one has really improved already since I started working them again.
A quick glimpse of the past year:

The positive story of the year is Faraday. I had no dreams of him doing anything big in eventing, ever! Primarily because has has been refusing to jump any bank higher than 60 cm. That is until Marco pulled a shoe before the first competition and Faraday had to step up. All of a sudden I had an extra eventer in the stables. Not only was he clear at that first show, he also went on to win several prizes in both national and international shows – finishing the season as number 31 in the overall national rankings.

The more average story will have to be Aristocrat. As always I had big dreams and he actually has really improved. His dressage is now above 60 % every time. He is now so much under control in the cross, that I can actually stay within the time, even at difficult events. In the jumping we have done our first clear 115 cm, he is getting more relaxed even here – although I don’t think the big arenas will ever be his favorite place. Of course I wanted to have my 3* debut and of course riding in the Nordic Championship in Denmark would have been fun, but he carried me around clear in 2* in Poland, Sweden, and Denmark and he always makes sure that we get home safe.

The less than satisfying story is Marco. He started out so good in Tågarp and then proceeded to not finish the course in Sopot, coming home with ulcers and spending the rest of the year doing very few competitions primarily in 90 cm. That is how it is, he seems to be stronger both in mind and body now and will probably be ready for more next season.
For now we are trying to improve the horses in dressage and jumping and hopefully we will be ready to start out the season at the end of March.