NAG HorsePro – New Sponsor on Board

With the season drawing closer I am very happy to anounce a new sponsor on the team. NAG HorsePro has been the feed of my choice for a long period of time.

The base in my feeding is a large amount of hay. Most of the horses have free access to hay all day every day. They are let out in the field everyday I try to switch around so they always have grass, but during the winther I place hay out as well.

For vitamins and minerals I give the HorsePro Elite. The feed is very concentrated and they eat the pellets happily. With the high concentration the horses only need very little to be covered.

Even though I don’t have a lot of horses, the horses that I do have are very different. The icelandic horse can lick on a rock and get fat where as Cassius need to eat more that he wants to just to not loose weight. The icelandic horse only gets his Elite and hay. Cassius gets energy from HorsePro Fiber and HorsePro Fiber Mash.

I want my hard feed to be low in starch. This gives a slower release of energy and also feeding haysilage the horses get a lot of sugar there. Cassius was fed on black oats before switching over but he looks so much better now and I feel he is easier to keep in shape.

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