Erasmus wrote “malo nodo malus quærendus cuneus” – and since my “knot” is a horse with anxiety for farriers and a dislike of getting shod, I figured it was best if I learned how to fix it if he at any point should loose a shoe at a competition. Not something that I ever thought I would be brave enough to do, but sometimes you have to do something. Luckily they offer weekend courses in putting a lost shoe back on in Flyinge, Sweden. It all ended with a test and I now have a certificate saying I can put a shoe back on. Some impressions of the days:

When in Sweden anyway, I brought Faraday and Aristocrat to ride some lessons. Friday we did cross country inspired jumping and Saturday was more ordinary jumping. I am as always, very poor at getting anyone to video or take pictures. I only have a little of Aristocrat Friday and Faraday Saturday.