Since the season didn’t really begin as expected I felt the need for some lessons. The past weekend I spent in Sweden doing just that, …
Category: Cassius

So the saeson started. Cassius did as well. More than enough actually. At our first competition he ran so fast the we got penalties for …

The season didn’t even begin before I changed my mind. So here is version two for Cassius. I hope that Aristocrat will be ready for …

With the season drawing closer I am very happy to anounce a new sponsor on the team. NAG HorsePro has been the feed of my …

In the weekend I went toAnna Hassö for lessons. Saturday was spent doing dressage and some jumping. Cassius did both, Aristocrat just the jumping. Sunday …

I have tried to put together a plan for the season. It is however never easy to do so before the season has started. And …

After a long winter break we are slowly getting back in to shape. Yesterday we spend the the evening at a dressage competition. Cassius was …

After a busy spring Cassius had a break of five weeks. To weeks ago we started up again with a CNC100. The dressage is still …

It can’t all be hard work and competition preparation, sometimes we also need to relax and think about something else. Sunday night me and one …